Friday, March 15, 2013

Where there's a Will there's a WAY!

"Our father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it's in Heaven"
Everyone now has an entertainment blog, talking about what the trend is at the moment, others are sharing the latest tunes making sure you get  to listen to songs as soon as released by different artist, a few others blog about fashion, others go into current affairs and political blogging but in the drive to follow up with the trends as they emerge, we are consumed with  that which is around and never having enough time to tend that which is within, we are empty inside, hustling to meet up with the pace of the world. the void is so huge a lot of us get into drugs it starts with Alcohol, then weed or skunk in line with our peers some go beyond that to that i wouldn't want to elaborate or even mention here cos' i would rather focus on the positives than that which has no place in the things of God. I like David has decided to use my time for the works of my father using not just my physical body and mouth to spread the Gospel, i will use my social networks also as i can reach out to many youths out there who spend a lot of time on these platforms. I know a lot of young people out there are going through a lot, in different facets of their lives wondering why God doesn't hear them, with more cases of suicide increasing daily, a lot of these young people have no one to share their problems with as mummy and Daddy have "no time"  and admitting how you really feel among your peers leave you a weakling, laughed at and mocked. if you are reading this and you fall into this category i will advice to follow this blog as I know God has time for all your needs and as a vessel unto honor available unto God, feel free to send me a message of whatever you might be going through and we will help you through it through prayer & supplications. We missed it when we stopped acknowledging our creator and believing we can do it by our own strength and understanding, "Hustling & Grinding", though when Adam fell God cursed him to Grind and Struggle before he eats off the earth, but the Bible tells us "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son (Jesus), that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" - John 3:16 and "Everlasting Life" does not only mean life in heaven but also a life without struggle or strive.
                                                    Proverbs 3: 5 says " Trust in the Lord with all thy heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. with this quoted verse from the scripture, we know that believing we can make it on our own is a sin, many of us miss the purpose of our being born just trying to "catch up" and when things start to go wrong we run from pillar to pole looking for Solutions but if we had taken out time to seek our Creator and adhere to the instructions he has given us, our lives would be a lot easier. In the book of Ecclesiastes 12: 13; Solomon who was as stated in the Bible the wisest man on earth says " Let us hear the conclusion of the who matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man".
If you are reading this and in your spirit you know you have defaulted and gone against these instructions that God has decided to highlight in this my post today, it's is never to late to mend your ways, from every indication we are in the last days, though many will say we've been "in the last days" since we were kids, i agree that its been said from when i was a kid the we are in the last days but I know that now more than ever it's more pronounced that these are the last day; as the WARS are no longer rumors, and at the moment it is common knowledge that in America to get your health  benefits you must have a chip inserted in your forehead or your right arm as said in the Bible that a sign of the beast where you do not have it  engraved on your forehead (666) or right arm as ordered by the new world order you can not trade or do anything and Christ will come when many least expect as the love man has grown cold being lovers of self than Lovers of God; and many reading this post wont regard these words for the same exact reasons that they have become lovers of self and have no regard for their creator.
For the many who do not want to continue in wrong doing Jesus Christ is knocking at the door of your heart waiting for you to let him in, and he will save you, for those being stubborn be aware that God shall bring every work into Judgement, with every secret thing whether it be good, or whether it be evil (Ecclesiastes 12:14) and if only you can turn away from your sins, repent of them and ask Jesus to take control of your life, things will not change for you, that uncertainty of not knowing what to do at all times will not go away but if you can change and accept Christ as your Lord and personal savior, all you do will turn around for good and in all you do acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths, be not wise in thine own eyes, fear the Lord and depart from evil. (Prov. 3 vs 6&7).
for more details, prayer and counseling email me:  

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